Pictures of Brent Powell's Toyota Engine

Stuffed into a 1972 Twin Cam 

Nice Work! 

Click any of the pictures below for a larger version.
enginefrnt.jpg (29777 bytes) frnt left.jpg (18895 bytes) NG brace.jpg (23831 bytes)
rear left.jpg (26408 bytes) whole install.jpg (27664 bytes) brakes1.jpg (21302 bytes)
Brakes2.jpg (22973 bytes)    
Whole install - from this angle you can see the Miata caliper, twinlink, adjustable links, NG brace and mount. Note the original under loop support for tranny is gone. The FF type brace and mount makes the rear of the tranny very rigid with no chance of sag. The brace comes out with four bolts making the removal of engine and tranny a snap.
Front left -  here you can see the clearance in the front for the pulleys and cooling pipes. The alternator is attached to the engine mount and resides in the frame space on right side. One belt for water pump and alternator. You can also see the extent of the Brake lines with no boosters.
Rear Left - this is a better view of rear suspension and adjustable links. Trailing off the bottom left is a shift cable which will be bent around to address the side to side lever on the back of the tranny Which is not installed. The lever you can see is the front-back part of the pattern. The cable for it will be an almost straight line from the shifter. You can also see the header duplicates the path of cross under exhaust the TC used. "Coincidence," I think not.
NG Brace - right hand side of setup
engine front - This shows the pulley room and set up from above front. The AC compressor goes in the frame space on the driver's side. Please, note: the clutter does not indicate a disastrously messy is there for scale  :)



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