OK - so I'm now faced with the body and this is an area which I know nothing about - but finances and market trends dictate that I am going to have to learn. Originally my plan was always to farm out the body for all required work and spraying but with todays labor rates this would require me to remortgage the house which is obviously not an option.
I have "Utubed" and continue to read a multitude of threads on the subject and have come to the conclusion that to every question regarding glass fibre bodywork and painting there are 10 possible answers.
So.... my "plan" is to do all the work required leading up to final color coat and finishing - this latter stage I will farm out professionally.
Initially my first 3 questions are as follows:
1. I understand I have to create a "base line" or "starting point" and to achieve this I must remove existing paint/s - but to
what level? Please see the 3rd and 4th photo's - do I remove down to the glass or to gel coat? If Gel coat, what color is that
as per the 2 pictures? I am confused by this.
2. What is the recommended technique for paint removal? A DA Sander with a 5mm throw and 80 grit plus other items and if
so what other tools are recommended?
3. Is soda blasting worth considering and has anybody successfully achieved this at home? I originally was going to have the
body soda blasted but the company (30km away and convenient) has closed down.