Nomenclature can be confusing on the Europa rear suspension.
The radius arms are at the long, sheet-steel- fabricated arms that hold the rear upright and attach to the chassis by flexible mounts. These mounts are available in polyurethane. The same mounts are also used in the early Esprits and Lotus Seven S4s. They will not squeak as there are no moving parts, just flection.
The lower links run from the transaxle to the uprights. These use rubber bushings from MGB shock arm to kingpin joint. They are also available in polyurethane and need to be properly lubicated as the bushings do move on a SS pivot. Copper anti seize is one recommended lubricant. Water will wash the lubricant away and they will start squeaking but it is annoying, not detrimental.
One other factor to consider is that there is often an increase NVH when switching to polyurethane. Just something to keep in mind.