I managed to get some help on the weekend with sanding (honestly she wanted to):
She got most of the purple paint off both the front lid and the engine cover which has sped up the bodywork process. I had planned on doing them over the fall and winter but I might have them both in primer with the body tub.
In regards to the body tub, it never looks like there has been progress, but I'm down to a few small repairs to the LH sill flange and finishing the vents and fuel filler recesses.
I did get the rear upper trailing arm covers laid up, and they turned out quite well, now its a matter of sanding the underside smooth to match the factory finish, and get onto the little cutouts I made inside the cockpit to clear the trailing arm brackets. And yes, the firewall is getting replaced once I plant the body back on the chassis (sometime soon I think).
I also got started on the dash assembly, it doesn't look like much at the moment, but its helped with laying everything out so far. I'm hoping to make it look somewhat like a Lotus 46 dashboard.
That's all for now, next weekend should see the RH side vent nearly finished and the fuel filler recess cut into the side panel.