My purchase of the car started with the biggest fail that an Europa owner can make: while I transported it on my trailer rear to the front (... every Europa connoisseur knows what comes next...) I drove 300km on the german Autobahn without incident.
As I left it 5km from my home, a gust of wind took under my engine lid, it flew open, cracked at the roof line and rammed into the windscreen. Then it flew away.
Hopefully no following car was taken into this incident.
While driving, I felt nothing of this all, but 500m further as I looked into the rear mirror of my tow car, I saw that all following cars stopped. So I took a halt at he side, got out of the towing car and saw the mess, first just the engine lid missing (thinking: ok, can glue it) then the windscreen (thinking f**k $$$$$).
Just in this moment, the first following car went by and a woman at the wheel said that nothing happened, it (the red ufo) flew over her car.
Then three other cars followed, one of them a Mercedes Sprinter with some guys aboard which I had seen opening their door in 500m distance.
Now comes the sad thing about this incident (and I´m really still fully upset about it): me an my friend went back the 500m to pick up the broken engine lid and it was nowhere to be found!
No broken pieces, nothing. Completely gone. We went hours around there - nothing. So I think someone in one of the following cars took it (stole it). I asked at the police and went by the place several following days, but nothing.
My poor engine lid! I could have repaired it easily. Still have no new one up to this day!