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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #30 on: Friday,October 16, 2020, 06:38:02 AM »
My first thought was that $1000 seemed like a lot but that included a lot of parts. $85/hr shop rate seems very reasonable to me too. It looks like you’re in good shape for your next step!

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #31 on: Friday,October 16, 2020, 08:33:25 AM »
I agree that the shop rate this builder charges is pretty reasonable. I don't know how much he marks up his parts but it can't be that much on these small items. However all of the operations do add up for the total cost. I added another invoice for another head I had my builder refurbish at the same time as the Stromberg head for reference. In this case, the buckets were not replaced and the valve clearances were not set.

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #32 on: Sunday,October 25, 2020, 07:41:17 AM »
                                                                                                              Left to my own devices

Chapter 2, The bottom end

The same day that I returned home after picking up the cylinder head from my engine builder, I found a message from the machine shop on my answering machine that my engine block and crankshaft are done and can be picked up. I was hoping to get additional details of what work was done to my bottom end components  when I stopped by the machine shop to pick up my engine block the next day. Unfortunately the person who did the work on my engine was not at the shop that day to answer my questions. All I could go by was the discussion we had when I dropped my engine off to be worked back in March.and the invoice of all the work done.

Block cleaning - pyrolytic oven cleaning
                           jet spray oil passages
                           shot peen block

Magnaflux block

Surface block

Bore cylinders 0.020” oversize

Install jackshaft bearings

Line hone the block main bearing housings

Resize connecting rods big ends

Remove/re-install new wrist pin bushings

Magnaflux crankshaft

Clean/polish crankshaft

Polish jackshaft journals

Measure crankshaft main and connecting rod journals

Supply standard size main and connecting rod bearing sets

Total cost - $1083.72

Even in the middle of taking an engine rebuilding class, I was still surprised at the number of operations required to rebuild the bottom end. The individual operations themselves are not that expensive but add up all the operations required and the total cost can be an eye opener and my rebuild was relatively uncomplicated.

Dropping the block off with the machine shop, I was fairly sure that the cylinders would have to be bored out and the machine shop confirmed my measurements taken during class. The crankshaft was another matter however. My measurements indicated that the main journals were all on the low end of the specification but within the band. The connecting rod journals indicated that all were also in the low end of the band but one journal was approximately less than 0.001” outside the low end of the band. When I dropped the crankshaft off a few weeks later, I asked the shop to double check my measurements. Their measurements showed both the main and conrod journals to be on the low end but still inside the band so no grinding of the journals to the next undersize was required; defer that for the next rebuild. That news saved me additional charges.

With all of the refurbished engine components back in my hands, the final step prior to starting the reassembly process is to do a complete wipe down of the block and crankshaft with rags and solvent and blow out the oil galleries with compressed air.

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #33 on: Sunday,October 25, 2020, 08:14:13 AM »
Are you going to try to get up with the machinist to get more details about what was done?

My understanding is that shot peening is used to relieve stress and to strengthen areas by “compressing” the outer layers of the metal. Do know where they shot peened the block?

Great write up!

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #34 on: Sunday,October 25, 2020, 12:30:34 PM »
As much as I would have liked to talk to the guy who did my engine block, I won't have time to at least three weeks. I suspect that would be too long for the guy to remember the details of what he did. Unfortunately there was no data sheet with all of the as left measurements of block and crankshaft. I don't have the tools to measure the cylinder bore with any accuracy but I can measure the crankshaft journals to verify their work.

Relieving stress in the metal is also my understanding for shot peening the block. I believe they shot peen all surfaces on the block. They warn that cylinder bores will have to be bored out after shot peening due to the damage caused by the balls. When I start the reassembly of the engine, I'll post pictures of the block as received after it was cleaned and shot peened. I'm anxious to begin the reassembly but will have to wait three weeks until I can start due to other pressing issues.


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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #35 on: Sunday,October 25, 2020, 03:48:00 PM »
I've heard of shot peening rods but I've never heard of shot peening a block. Interesting...

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #36 on: Monday,February 01, 2021, 02:19:18 PM »

Chapter 3,  Reassembly preps, painting and final cleaning

For main reference and guidance during the engine reassembly process, I will be mostly following the sequence of steps as Miles Wilkins outlined in his book “LOTUS Twin-Cam Engine”. For general automotive good operating practices and procedures not covered by Wilkins, I will reference Tim Gilles text book, “AUTOMOTIVE ENGINES - Diagnosis,Repair, and Rebuilding” 7th edition, used in my engine rebuilding class. An additional reference consulted  was “Tuning Twin Cam Fords” by David Vizard.

These are the sequence of steps I used in prepping my engine block for reassembly. There are more detailed explanations for each section.

- Install the core plugs and coolant jacket drain plug. Core plugs should be installed before the block is mounted to a universal engine stand. This is especially important for the rear plug since the mounting plate for the stand will restrict access to the rear of the block.
- Install the oil gallery plugs.
- Paint the block at this time since there is less stuff to mask off.
- Do a final cleaning of the crankcase surfaces.

Plugging the holes:

Who would have thought that after watching multiple Youtube videos, installing core plugs could be so difficult. Ideally, in watching Youtube videos, pounding in core plugs is simply smearing sealant on the plug or hole (sealant use seems to be optional with some guys) and pounding the plug in with a socket using a few hammer blows. Unfortunately in my case, it didn’t work out that way and a detailed step by step sequence of the painful experience follows.

There are three core plugs on the TC engine block, two 1-⅝” diameter plugs on the exhaust/left side and a larger 2” plug at the rear. I had ordered core plugs from one of the Lotus vendors but didn’t ask if they supplied steel or brass. I was sent a set of stainless steel plugs. Wilkins in his book vaguely mentions using a “suitable drift” by which he means sockets for core plug installation .For the 1-⅝” plug, I found that a 1-¼” or a 30mm socket will fit perfectly on the plug outer rim and a  1-⅛” socket will give a good fit inside the 1-⅝” plug. For the 2” plug, a 1-½” socket will fit on the plug outer rim but unfortunately I didn’t have a socket that will give a good close fit inside the 2” plug. All of the sockets I used were the standard short non impact style which will in the end turn out to be one of the problems contributing to my failure (Pic 1). A set of deep well impact sockets would have been a better choice.

For sealants, Wilkins mentions using Wellseal. Most of us probably don’t have a tube of Wellseal available so a search for an equivalent sealant is required. The purpose of the sealant is to seal against tiny gaps in the metal to metal interference fit between core plug and casting. In a low pressure, moderate temperature application such as a car coolant system, I believe any gasket type sealer should be more than adequate. A search of the internet shows that Permatex Aviation Form- A Gasket Sealant Liquid, Permatex Grey, Hondabond/Yamabond/Kawabond/Threebond sealants and various Loctite products are equivalents used by the British car community. I should mention that Permatex Indian Head Gasket Shellac used by some appears to be very similar looking to Wellseal. For my use, I chose Hondabond 4 due to its availability at my local Honda motorcycle dealer.

The final item to consider is the hammer. It has to be heavy enough but still be controllable when swinging. All I had available was a 2 lb dead blow hammer which gave underwhelming results .A heavier dead blow hammer would have been better from the start. I also used a 5 lb mini sledge hammer at the latter stages in desperation.

With all of my tools and plugs assembled, I started my preparations for the first plug which was the 2” stainless steel. Because the Kent block is relatively light, it is important to have the block resting on a solid surface such as a concrete floor or a heavy work table to take the impact of the hammer blows. After a quick visual check of the holes in the casting for any damage or imperfections to the hole surface before proceeding, I performed a light touchup of the sealing surfaces to remove any corrosion with fine sandpaper, and a final wipe down with alcohol of both the plug and the hole edge.  A light coat of sealant is then applied evenly to the plug edge. The plug is squarely aligned to the hole, and the socket is placed evenly on the plug rim. Because the socket is a standard short socket there is no way to safely hold the socket in place during the hammer strike. As a result the socket would skate off the plug and the plug bouncing off the block after every hammer strike. After a few more attempts with the same result, I decided to stop and regroup. My next brilliant idea was to try to shrink freeze the plug with canned air. Using a half can of Dust Off to freeze this time, the smaller 1-⅝” stainless steel plug, got the same result using both the 1-¼” and the inside the plug 1-⅛” socket. The plug would not go in. At this point, I decided to give up on using sockets and decided to rent a bearing/ seal driver kit from my local Advanced Auto parts store. I also decided to give up on using the stainless steel and use brass plugs for my next attempt. So again starting with the smaller 1-⅝” brass plug and using the adapter disc with flat side down against the plug and my steel 5 lb mini sledge hammer, I successfully drove in the plug with about three moderate blows. I completed the job with the remaining two plugs. The last hole in the water jacket is for a threaded ¼” threaded drain plug, guessing possibly BSP threads, just behind the rear 1-⅝” core plug (Pic 2). Apply a bit of thread sealant and tighten snugly with a 9/16” socket.

I should explain that the decision to abandon the stainless steel core plugs was not to malign the plug itself but that I didn’t want to cause possible damage to the rented tool with the potentially harder SS plug. The cheap bearing/seal driver set that I rented was all aluminum, both the adapters and the driver/handle. I felt that the harder stainless would form dents in the adapter face and I didn’t want to pay for any damages. I plan on another attempt using the SS plugs for my next rebuild with the right tools in hand. This will include correct size deep well impact sockets and/or steel  adapters of the correct sizes, a steel handle/driver and a 4 lb or heavier dead blow hammer. For those wanting to use brass plugs, a rented seal/bearing driver kit will work as well.

One last caution for those wanting to buy the plugs from other sources, be aware that the plugs come in different depths. The 1-⅝” plugs used in the  Lotus Twin Cams are also used in older small block Chevys. The ones supplied for the SBCs are about twice as wide in depth and if used in the Lotus will protrude further into the water jacket. Plug depth is especially critical for the  2” plug which has only has about ⅓” of clearance between the #4 cylinder and the rear casting wall.

With the water jacket sealed up, it's time to seal off the oil galleries holes. You trust that the machine shop did their job of cleaning the block but it doesn’t hurt to verify. Before screwing in the threaded plugs, I ran a brush through both sides of the high pressure oil galleries and blew out the holes with compressed air. A tiny bit of fine dust blew out, possibly some left over corrosion. There are three ¼” pipe threaded holes for the high pressure oil supply side galleries. One threaded hole and one small unthreaded hole at the rear of the block (Pic 3), two threaded holes at the front of the block (Pic 4) and one tiny (possibly 1/16” pipe) threaded hole also for the high pressure supply side on the right side of the block (Pic 5). All have pipe sealant applied to the threads and gasket sealant to the small plug before installing. Depending on the source, the oil gallery plug pipe threads are either NPT, BSP, or NPTF depending on who you want to believe. I have not personally verified the thread type.

Installing this small approximately 7/16” push in oil gallery plug (Pic 3) was the final stumbling block to overcome in completing the block plug installation. As with the coolant core plugs, I had a difficult time installing this plug which is not normally removed by most engine builders since it doesn’t plug a pressure side oil gallery. It plugs a hole in the oil drain from the head back to the sump and is not pressurized. In my case the machine shop removed the plug as is their practice for block cleaning. This is not a problem since there are replacement plugs for that hole; the problem I had was getting the correct sized plug from the vendors. I measured the oil return hole on my block at 0.423”. It is possible that this particular hole size may not be standardised for all Kent blocks, thus the variation in the plug sizes supplied by the various vendors. 

These were the plugs supplied by the two Lotus vendors:
Dave Bean - EP0461, Soft Plug 29/64” (0.453”). As delivered, the plugs were measured at 0.480”.
RD Ent - A026 E 6034, Core Plug 7/16” (0.437”). As delivered, the plugs were measured at 0.452”.
Burton lists a 7/16” plug in their catalog

My first attempt in trying to drive in the plug was with the ones supplied by Dave Bean. I used a small socket on the outside edge of the plug which resulted in a totally destroyed plug. With the second plug, I used a steel rod on the inside cup of the plug. This resulted in the steel rod punching a hole in the plug after a couple of hammer blows..

Knowing that the plugs supplied by Dave Bean had fitment issues, I ordered two  plugs from RD Enterprises. I measured the plugs when they arrived and saw that they were smaller in diameter than the ones supplied by Dave Bean and initially thought that they may fit. There is no chamfer around the hole in the rear of the block so getting the plug centered and straight is a bit difficult. For the first RD Ent plug I used the head of a ½” bolt about 5” long against the outside edge of the plug to hammer the plug into the hole. As with the Dave Bean plug, the edge of the plug started to deform before the plug would start to go in.

With three plugs destroyed I decided to regroup and do additional research on the internet. I found a company in the UK that supplies core plugs and has a core plug conversion chart that gives dimensions of holes in fractions and decimals. According to the chart, there should be a 0.010”-0.015” interference fit between the hole and plug. Their plugs are automatically oversized for the holes for proper interference fit,
From my measurements of the plugs received from Dave Bean and RD Enterprises, both of their plugs are grossly oversized for my hole and the reason I had problems trying to install them. With my oil gallery hole measured at 0.423”, the plug that should be a match will be for a 27/64” (0.422”) hole. I found a company in the US supplying all sizes of core plugs and ordered a batch of 27/64” plugs in brass.

When the 27/64” plugs arrived, I measured the plug diameter as 0.427” which gives a 0.004” interference fit. Even though less than optimal, I decided to use these plugs since the plug will be under almost no pressure from the oiling system. The plug drove in fairly easily with a few moderate taps of the hammer. I’m wondering if the steel version of these plugs may give a tighter fit. With the last plug installed, this completes the block prep. Next step,  painting the block.

Finally ,what are these three left over open holes on the block(Pic 3 & 4)?  There are three holes still left unplugged at this stage of the bottom end reassembly process. The first one previously mentioned is the hole for the oil pressure gauge fitting at the front right side of the block which will be fitted after the engine is put back into the car. The second and third holes are at the front of the block. The second hole is for the head oil drain gallery back to the sump. This hole is normally not plugged and will be blocked when the timing cover backing plate and gasket are installed. The third hole is for the coolant bypass passage from the head back to the water pump suction. This hole aligns with a corresponding hole in the backing plate and the timing chest cover.

Pic 1 - These are the sockets I initially used in my initial attempts.The biggest problem in using the shallow standard style sockets is the inability to control the sockets in place on the plug when striking directly with a hammer plus the possibility of shattering on impact. A safer and better method would have been to use an extra long deep well impact socket that fits snugly inside the plug well without being too tight. An alternative would be to fabricate a steel or aluminum handle/driver to fit inside the plug well.

Pic 2  Left side view of block
(2) 1-⅝” core plugs
(1) block coolant drain plug
(0) oil gallery plugs

Pic 3 Rear view of block
(1) 2” core plug
(1) supply side oil gallery plug
(1) 27/64” oil drain plug

Pic 4 Front view of block
(2) supply side oil gallery plugs
(1) head oil drain opening
coolant bypass passage

Pic 5 Right side view of block
Supply side oil gallery plug to opposite side oil gallery
Oil pressure gauge threaded connection

Offline Grumblebuns

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #37 on: Monday,February 01, 2021, 02:26:26 PM »
Picture page

Pic 1 - These are the sockets I initially used in my initial attempts.The biggest problem in using the shallow standard style sockets is the inability to control the sockets in place on the plug when striking directly with a hammer plus the possibility of shattering on impact. A safer and better method would have been to use an extra long deep well impact socket that fits snugly inside the plug well without being too tight. An alternative would be to fabricate a steel or aluminum handle/driver to fit inside the plug well.

Pic 2  Left side view of block
(2) 1-⅝” core plugs
(1) block coolant drain plug
(0) oil gallery plugs

Pic 3 Rear view of block
(1) 2” core plug
(1) supply side oil gallery plug
(1) 27/64” oil drain plug

Pic 4 Front view of block (picture text reads rear in error)
(2) supply side oil gallery plugs
(1) head oil drain opening
coolant bypass passage

Pic 5 Right side view of block
Supply side oil gallery plug to opposite side oil gallery
Oil pressure gauge threaded connection
« Last Edit: Monday,February 01, 2021, 02:46:42 PM by Grumblebuns »

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #38 on: Monday,February 01, 2021, 05:17:48 PM »
Great write up, Grumblebuns! Having never installed my own freeze plugs, I found it pretty interesting.

When trying to install a plug with a socket, did you try using an extension so you would have something to hold on?

The thread pitch for NPT and BSP are different (except for 1/2”) and NPT are tapered threads while BSP threads are straight. Straight threads mean there has to be a flat surface for a sealing washer or similar. I would expect plugs in cast iron to be NPT.

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #39 on: Tuesday,February 02, 2021, 12:12:46 AM »
Great post, lots of good stuff in there.  I've done core plugs myself on both engines and they've been plain mild steel ones, I could imagine Stainless being harder to use.

The ECP site is a very good find, bookmarked for "just in case" reference !

I know it's more work, but at some point it would be great to get these individual posts all together in a single PDF file as a sticky on the Tech. Article site.  We can all read manuals but the "I made a mistake/had trouble here" is something we only learn through experience and well worth sharing.


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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #40 on: Tuesday,February 02, 2021, 04:34:41 AM »
Great write up, Grumblebuns! Having never installed my own freeze plugs, I found it pretty interesting.

When trying to install a plug with a socket, did you try using an extension so you would have something to hold on?

The thread pitch for NPT and BSP are different (except for 1/2”) and NPT are tapered threads while BSP threads are straight. Straight threads mean there has to be a flat surface for a sealing washer or similar. I would expect plugs in cast iron to be NPT.

I've looked into BSP which seems to be the global standard. According to this site,, there is BSPP for parallel threads and BSPT for tapered threads. I imagine back in the 1960s when the Kent engine was developed, Ford of England would have used the BSP standard. Just speculating on this and can't know for sure until someone measures the pipe plugs.

Use of an extension may have helped with the brass plugs with standard sockets. With the SS plugs, only a bigger hammer and a steel driver would have worked in my opinion. My fault for not using the right tools for the job.

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #41 on: Tuesday,February 02, 2021, 04:38:16 AM »
Great post, lots of good stuff in there.  I've done core plugs myself on both engines and they've been plain mild steel ones, I could imagine Stainless being harder to use.

The ECP site is a very good find, bookmarked for "just in case" reference !

I know it's more work, but at some point it would be great to get these individual posts all together in a single PDF file as a sticky on the Tech. Article site.  We can all read manuals but the "I made a mistake/had trouble here" is something we only learn through experience and well worth sharing.


Brian, I'm using Google docs to write this journal and currently I'm up to 60+ pages.  When I get done, I'll have a PDF file for reference


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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #42 on: Tuesday,February 02, 2021, 06:03:48 AM »
Was not aware of tapered BSP! That does complicate things!

I have to use an angled adapter so my heater valve will clear my headers. It is 1/4” NPT and fits as expected so I’m led to believe that engines in the ‘60s and ‘70s still used the NPT standard.

I’m looking forward to your finished document!

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #43 on: Tuesday,February 02, 2021, 07:07:08 AM »
The TC engine was developed a few years after the Kent engine. Wondering why Lotus decided to use NPT standard for the heater valve threads.
FWIW, the Elan forum has a ton of postings on oil gallery plugs and the difficulty in removing them. The Australian company Elantrickbits states that the oil gallery plugs are 1/4" BSP.
I have a couple of spare plugs to measure once I get a thread gauge for pipe threads.

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Re: Chronicles of a Community College Engine Rebuilding Class
« Reply #44 on: Tuesday,February 02, 2021, 07:24:36 AM »
Curiouser and curiouser! The heater valve screws into the head and Lotus may have bucked a trend so they could use an existing, inexpensive heater valve.