First of all, thank you guys for chiming in. Brian, you brought up the clutch. I do not believe that it is sticking. The owner got through the first test drive with no problem, (but he did say it is the most difficult car to drive he has ever owned.) But I do believe I felt it chatter when I took it out. Mike and Bainford, you both brought up the booster issue. The owner had already removed it and changed the master. Just the back brakes need to be sorted. He suggested a Miata setup back there. All I remember is that between hunting for a gear and sliding through stop signs, I was doing all I could to not run down any dog walkers or joggers. Mike the car has some other issues, yes. Like the drivers window's reluctance to move much. An oil leak from some kind of tube from the head to the block down under the carbs. Some electrical issues. (Imagine that!) Sticking throttle and choke cables. These things are all doable if I could just get in and drive. It is certainly not my Miata. But it looks great, nice paint, no rust below. He wants $8,000.00 I have seen prices all over the place for these cars. I really don't know much about pricing them. It's got 15,000 miles on an engine rebuild, but he says it uses oil. Odometer reads 150,000. Any additional thoughts?