Thanks guys, I'm really pleased that you can get in. I had tried it but as it's my account then I ought to be able to see it !
I have several other folders to go up and yes, there is duplication, in fact there's duplication on the Yahoo files folder as well. As I expect this to be a temporary holding storage I've not bothered too much about slimming it down other than removing the obvious adverts where someone's been selling their car and posted photos.
The "modifications to HTU" folder has crept through by accident. On my hard drive I've got the manual in sections and have any mods/extra info alongside. I copied the structure to use for Yahoo files and must have missed that one because I know I've deleted some of them.
Keep an eye on the link and see if you can access the others when they go up. Next is "0 - Introduction" and "X-Documents and Brochures" where I've put the owners manuals plus articles, etc. Mostly from Yahoo but there might be a few others I've picked up but you can never have too much to read about Lotus's.....
Edit to add....
I decided to copy everything up as it is. There's some non-Yahoo stuff there but it's all Europa so that can't hurt. If you look at the image I've posted that's what you should see and hopefully you'll get to the sub folders. If some of you guys could just try a few random sub-folders and tell me if you run into walls.
At some point over the next week I'll strip out my stuff and create a RAR file that you can download for your very own version of Yahoo......