OK, we're just a few days away now. How many from this forum are going? It'll be nice to see a good showing of Europas, as well as putting some faces to the names.
An event of this nature is a first for me. I'm doing my best to be prepared (for the road trip and the event itself). I am very much looking forward to seeing and photographing many Lotus models that I've never seen before (and living in this corner of the world, that would be most of them).
I'm getting very excited about this event. I've been working on the car all summer, doing my best to increase my chances of actually making it there. I'll be leaving on Monday morning which gives me four days to get there. I originally estimated three days travel, but I'm giving myself an extra day in case of trouble, bad weather, or interesting diversions (I'm easily distracted). I'll be travelling back roads all the way, and in the true nature of a road trip, I don't want to feel rushed. Besides, if I leave on Tuesday, I'll have to go to work on Monday, and I just know I'll be useless at work on the day before such an epic road trip. I'm already planning my return trip, too, which will certainly be by way of the scenic route, and likely take 5-6 days.
I know I'm gushing a bit here, but I just had to vent off a little 'excitement pressure' with a quick post. Thanks for bearing with me, and I hope to see some of you soon. Cheers y'all.