I've built two harnesses from scratch and have modified my Europa harness (taken it right back to nothing, added circuits etc). I'm very familiar with the Lucas wiring colours, so I've always used the same colours. If I didnt have enough of one type of wire I would use the basic colour and use a small amount of coloured heat shrink at the connector ends to match the colour code it was supposed to be (eg a green/white, would be a green wire with a small band of white at the connectors).
There really isnt any magic in building a harness nor figuring out how it works. Just lay things out, use zip ties to keep bundles together while building the harness, then when taping it up, remove them as you go. I would suggest getting some of the non adhesive harness tape/wrap if you are wanting to tape the harness. It makes things much nicer down the road if you need to "open up" the harness, plus regular electrical tape doesn't stand up very well to heat and various fluids that a car contains/leaks/emits.
As for a wiring diagram, I'd start with the Lotus one and work your way through it. Most british cars from the same era are similar, so can also be used as a reference. The harness I made up for the Eleven I built was made up using an MGA wiring diagram as reference.