Still have drum brakes!?
Which BMW stub axle dd you use?
Yes I still have drum brakes on the rear.
The definitive answer for the question "Which BMW stub axle did you use?"
is answered with "I don't know."
About 20 years ago I went to BM Spares in Melbourne with a Hillman Imp stub axle in one hand, and a vernier caliper in the other.
Back then they stripped everything down and put them in big plastic tubs. it was like going to the supermarket.
I picked out a pair of shafts with 30mm bearing surfaces with roughly the same bearing spacings, a flat drive flange, and a drive hub with 4 studs. I think they had 2000 written on them. Maybe a 2000 sedan circa 1970 which pre dated the 1602/2002.
I converted another car a few years later, and I know of 4 other owners that copied my design.
A few years later I bought a pair of 320 shafts for future use, only to find they had 28mm bearing surfaces. Ooops!
A search on the net identified that the 323i used 30mm bearings.
My sketch gives the dimensions of the shafts I used.
Unfortunately these days people don't rebuild BMW's. They drive them til they die, then sell them for scrap.
I am always on the look out for the next stub axle to suit my conversion.