My car has a single fuel line from the tank to the mechanical fuel pump, and a single line from the pump to the Weber carb. The return inlet on the tank is blocked off.
If I were to re-use the return inlet, would I add a metal T to the pump-carb line, and connect a line from the T to the return?
When I was idling the car for an extended period of time yesterday, I noticed that every now and again the fuel tank would "clonk" as if its sides were flexing! I attributed this noise to the release of pressure, and this got me wondering about its cause.
Since the pump is sucking fuel out of the tank, there needs to be a way for air to get into the tank, right? If my tank is too well sealed, will it cause the tank to flex as the vacuum in it builds up, and cause the noises I heard? Will it cause fuel starvation? Is this alleviated by the return line (which is not there on my car)?