Could you not template from one side to the other to check the angle as unlikely both are deformed in the same way.
Gold star award there Dave !
I eventually managed to get a half decent impression from both arms yesterday. They aren't good enough for anything other than basic comparisons but cutting them out & lying one over the other they do show a different angle at the junction of the hub carrier flanges & the radius arm box section. I tried to measure with a protractor but it wasn't good enough, so I went the other way and did the maths on what sort of angle to expect based on the shim differences between sides. It's surprisingly small and I personally would never see it when assembling things. No idea why it's different as I've never kerbed or hit the side, it might always have been that way all the time I've owned it ?
So - there's still no definitive answer but at least I can see where the issue lies and I've more faith in what I've done so far. I count that as progress !
Joji - the S2, TC & TCS all have different part numbers for the radius arms. It could be just the bolt spacing, I don't know. I'd prefer detail measurements because the lower links & intermediate driveshafts also have different numbers and that's setting the other part of the suspension triangle. I don't think we can assume anything with Lotus.....
John, The mounts are fitted with the metal flange outside, the bulk of the rubber pointing inwards. I'm using Esprit style shims fitted between the mount flange & chassis rather than washers on the radius arm bolt. Washers are easier, it just looks a bodge with so many. I'm envious you can get away without shims, that's how cars should be built !