I got the "Raydyot" replica mirrors from Hayden.
I would say that they look 'pretty good' but not excellent.
The main problem in my mind is that the bezel doesn't fit so snugly. So there's a bit of a gap, which looks worse when the bezel fixing screws are tightened. I think with some tape or something (maybe a washer) to fill the gap and prevent the screws from bowing the bezel, it won't be so noticeable.
The real thing: photo 1. The others, the replica I got.
The price is hugely different. Realistically, there's not so much to them, so much of the difference in price is about whether you're willing to pay a lot for the 'real thing'.
The other thing about these mirrors is that the mounting bolt also serves as the fixing for the swivel base, so they must be adjusted when they're mounted, and you're not adjusting them on the fly afterward. This is no different from the originals, from what I see. I gave no thought to that potential aspect when I made the decision. I guess truly a period design.
I think I can't complain for the price, but I'm not over the moon.