Thankyou SwiftDB4 - the issue is they turn freely, they drag and it appears that the "seal slinger" for want of a better word (ie those pressed steel washers/collars that fit up against the rear of the stub axle yoke) - see diagram I posted - appear to rubbing on the outer face of the seal itself.
Must admit I'm tempted to leave it and just let the face of the seal in question wear away.... or remove the pressed steel slingers - but that of course involves removing the stub axle from the housing.... which atm would be like walking in sand. ..
JB - I hear you - I rather think the puller/extractor I made for pulling the stub axles through the housings, (which worked great), is going to be used in the "extraction" mode sooner than later.
Think I'll end up pulling the stub axels and changing to 7mm AND maybe remove the slingers.