I used custom, made to my specifications, pistons in my TC. They were made by JE Piston in California. I could not be more happier with them. The quality is excellent, cost was reasonable. It has been a few years since I rebuilt my TC, but unless something has changed in that time, I would recommend JE.
I remember talking to John at Lotus Racing West, who has built many TC race motors. He told me he tried all the custom piston companies, and JE was the best.
I sent them an old stock piston, as well as a list of piston specs I got from the workshop manual and Wilkins book. The JE salesman then called me, and he went over each spec in detail, making recommendations along the way for changes. I was impressed with his knowledge of piston design.
But as you are in the UK, shipping will be expensive. But if you can afford it, try JE.