Overall, this car looks really nice. The motor was recently "overhauled" and the tranny was recently "refreshed." There are some nice touches such as a compartment to store and charge your cell phone under the elbow pad in the console. The paint looks very good and it sports a cross flow (not Gordini) head with Webers.
It has been dewarted (something I grow less agnostic about over time favoring the original warts but that's a personal preference). The dash looks freshly done but I'm not a fan. The radio, instrument binnacle, and glove box have been deleted, and there are no labels. The body has been augmented by two rather large, and to my eye unsightly, scoops on the bread van sides. It also has headlight covers and the half shafts and lower links have been chromed.
As I say, it's very nice overall. I think it should bring a nice price.