If by “after market, you mean “not original from the factory”, you may be right. Other people can opine about what part of the JPS “program” was done by the factory, the dealers, or the distributors. I have no opinion. I sent this article (
http://www.lotus-europa.com/jps.html) to Andy Graham who disputed some of it. The story of the JPS Europas was not well documented and is thus fertile ground for speculation and myth.
My first Europa was a “demonstrator” at a local Lotus dealer. It was not a JPS - it wasn’t even black! - but it had the JPS sticker on the B-pillar. My second, and current Europa, was purchased at the Lotus distributor in New Orleans. It was not a JPS either. I purchased or was given several JPS stickers at the distributor that I saved for the eventuality of changing the crazed and dull metallic green paint to my preferred color, white. The copies I mentioned that Ray made were made from one of those stickers I got from the distributor.
I don’t know if those stickers were from the factory or if they were sanctioned by Lotus, but they did come a Lotus distributor. I have seen pictures of JPS Europas without the sticker on the B-pillar. It might be that they are not part of the JPS livery though it is my belief that they are. They are certainly in no way definitive - my first Europa being a primary case for that and my current Europa has them too.
I guess it all hinges on your definition of “after market.”