Here is a link to the CAD model of the S2 chassis front box that I prepared in Fusion 360. Using this link you should be able to view the model, and download it in a variety of formats. I have checked the dimensions of this against the two S2 chassis that I have by cutting plywood templates of the front and back faces on a CNC router. It is now very close to the original dimensions and, in so far as I can tell, not more than about 1mm different anywhere. haven't included the holes for the brake cylinder, as I have not yet decided what I'm going to do there.
I will probably make further changes before this is done - I might add holes for cleco rivets during assembly. Those hole could become spot welds.
Let me know if you want the flat patterns, I think I might need to add those as one or more extra links.
The model was prepared assuming 16 gauge steel at exactly 1/16 inch thick. In principle it should be easy to change the sheet thickness, or to change the bend allowances. The external dimensions should stay the same, and the flat patterns will update to reflect the changes. In practice there might be a little tidying up required.