At 1387 lbs /610 kg , with a spare, you should be happy.
How much does a 4 speed weigh?
How much does a 5 speed weigh?
Aluminum radiator?
Steel or mag wheels?
Then the real question is what is the power to weight ratio. Most builds nowadays have increased their hp and their torque. I understand add lightness, but to what point. I lift my engine but myself and I’m disabled. The frame is heavy but it might take some lightening holes. The cracks that may happen over time are not worth the weight savings.
There isn’t much more weight items other then battery , rugs, glass, seats, shocks are a big savings. The firewall material is another saving area. Tire size another biggie. Headlight assemblies glass and bumpers ,easy 30- 40 lbs. mufflers have a big range in size and weight. Having two gas tanks add a lot of weight.
Some of our builders have v8 in there cars , I just can’t imagine that ride. So adding hp and torque
Have the advantage in my opinion. I really would like to see an all electric Europa.