Because there's quite a bit of cross talk between this site and Yahoo, there's a discussion about dashboards going on over there for quite some time. The issue is converting the scale drawing into a full scale paper template that some owners are wanting to do.
Because this board has the ability to accept stl files (and thank you for that), I just drew up a file for my latest project, which uses the radio opening. That is the only accurate measured dimension on my file, but if it (the file) could be of any use to someone, let me know and I'll work on doing a proper job of it.
Why am I mentioning this? STL files are able to be opened with a free 3D CAD program called "SketchUp" Just Google the name and download the program.
Once the program is opened and the stl file imported, you can take the file, break it down into sizes that fit your printing paper, print them out an paste them together. You have your template.
You'll notice the drawing has a thickness of .420", which is the measured thickness of my dash. If it's a problem, I'll modify the file so it's strictly a flat shape. I may also be able to break it down into 8"x10" pieces.